Monday, September 29, 2014

Corruption Within the Monetary System

            The Central Bank controls both interest rates and the money supply that is distributed on loan to the general public.  As the Central Bank regulates the value of money in circulation, this in turn creates debt.  Now remember the Central Bank is the decider of the amount of currency being circulated, and as they set interest rates with each dollar that is on loan we continue to collect more debt.  A big question is, ‘how are we to pay off the debt that comes along with each dollar loaned?’  This is where the Central Bank comes back around and pays it off with an additional interest rate, in turn creating more self-generating debt.

            Now these private Bankers are some clever folks, back in the early 1900s they created what we know of today as the Federal Reserve Corporation.  Basically this corporation prevents Congress from making money notes and allows the Bankers to have total control and say on money being created and circulated. 

            Something fascinating about the money that is created by these private Bankers is that they create this money out of thin air.  Writing loans in a bank journal, where money is leant out to the American people with an interest rate.  Now the private Bankers will lend out more money than they actually have because they are legally allowed to do so by up to 50 times what they have on deposit.  So in general they are lending out money that isn’t even in existence but just being written numbers on paper.  Hence, why so many countries and governments are crippled with the exponential growing debt they have collected throughout the decades.  This corruption is real and the debt we are collecting is illegitimate repression. 

“If you want to remain slaves of the Bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation’s credit”
-Sir Josiah Stamp

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